Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Kids are Stampin' Up!

This was taken by my camera-phone, so it's not the best picture, but it was really her very first ponytail!
Striking a pose out on the porch as we were playing outside one afternoon.

Laney's first boat ride up at Grandma Gloria's cabin.

Alan and Laney chillin at the cabin.

If you are on Facebook, you may have seen my recent status: "No matter how awesome anyone says it's going to be, don't take your kids to one of those Stampin Up parties." And how true it is. As you may have guessed, I tried it. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, the party was at my friend Carol's house, and she has kids. Brady is 9 and Peyton is 6, and they have been at Fran's Day Care with Alan, so they all know each other. Carol assured me that her kids would play with Alan, everyone would think Delaney was cute, and that our friend Michelle would also be bringing her 2-year-old and infant along. "And there's free food!" she said, and that sealed the deal. I decided it would be fun.

The day arrived, and as happens many times with small children, we were running late. We arrived at Carol's house about 15 minutes late . . . but the woman running the party was already in full swing with her presentation. To my dismay, we entered Carol's living room to find two tables of calm, silent women who were beginning a small project while they politely listened to the salesperson speak. Not. One. Child. The Stampin Up rep smiled and invited me to have a seat . . . of course the only one left was across the room and in the middle of all the women . . . but what choice did I have? So I hoisted Delaney's baby seat above all the heads and convinced Alan to (loudly) follow me over there. I figured once we sat down, he could "help" me with my project and hopefully it would keep him happy. Where were all the kids??

Well, we were sitting there for a whopping two minutes (just long enough for Carol to offer us something to drink) when Alan spilled his water all over my project and Carol's too. This was when I began to realize that this might not have been a good idea. So poor Carol is frantically cleaning it up while I am whisking Alan away to another area of the room hoping to find something else for him to do. Carol said maybe he would have fun in the basement with her kids (so THAT's where they were!), so we tried that, but of course he had no interest in being anywhere except right by me.

Meanwhile the poor lady is trying to present every cute project and "retiring set of paper and stamps" that she can amidst my "Oh am so sorry about your project" and Alan's broken record of "Mommy come play please!" and pretty soon even a little whining from Laney, who had been forgotten under the table in her car seat. And I began to realize that Michelle and her kids were not there. She had had the sense to stay home with her 2-year-old and baby. Good for her.

I did get the kids to both join me on the couch across the room - I even grabbed a catalog and tried to listen along as the lady was presenting - and we managed to keep an even keel for about 20 minutes. (This involved a truck, a fuzzy doll, and many repeated conversations in fervent whispers with Alan explaining that I was not going to come play right now.) Then Laney started shrieking . . . so I paced with her until the lady finished speaking. I am sure she was hoping I would buy hundreds of dollars of stuff to make up for the disturbance, but I will need to win the lottery before that's gonna happen. We just grabbed the project my sweet friend Carol made for me and headed home. Chalk it up to experience. But no more Stampin Up parties for my kiddos. Not ever.

Some of Laney's other adventures include:
  • First trip to Grandma Gloria's cabin in Akeley, MN
  • A couple of Wednesday afternoons with Grandma Lucy while mommy went to work
  • Clapping for the first time
  • Saying "mama" for the first time
  • Trying to pull herself forward with her hands while she is sitting up
  • Cousin Aiden Frommelt's 1st birthday party
  • First ponytail
  • Started eating puffs (well she mostly just spits them out)
  • Visited Fran and played all morning
  • Received a visit from Cami, Micah, Cassidy, and baby Gail
Check back again soon!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July, a little late, from Delaney!! Here she is in her 4th of July dress - although I did not get any of the cute red and blue stars in the picture. We spent the 4th at the Maple Lake Elementary School playground with the Haglins. They have a great little shaded picnic area, and Grandma Lucy decorated it with every red white and blue piece of joy you can imagine. All the cousins got to play together, we had great food, and Alan ran around the bases twice.

During the past couple weeks, Delaney also clapped for the first time, said "mama", and fed herself with a spoon. Well, okay, she TRIED to feed herself. It was quite messy! But it was fun that she wanted the spoon to go in her mouth and she was trying to do it herself.

We have had visits from Linda Weber, Great Grandpa Elmer Whyte, Grandma Lucy, Grandpa Greg, and Grandma Gloria. We had the privilege of visiting cousin Kacie at St. Cloud Hospital on Sunday, and we were able to see her wheeling herself around the room and responding as people greeted her.

Since I have received so many comments on how difficult Alan must be, I feel that I need to call attention to all of the free services he provides Delaney in addition to the trauma.

Alan willingly:
  • picks up Delaney's toys when they fall
  • "helps" feed her baby food
  • tells her "it's okay" while she is getting shots
  • insists on hugging and kissing her every morning when she wakes up
  • makes her smile and laugh while I am cooking and too busy to play with her
  • runs upstairs to fetch diapers if I realize too late that I need one downstairs
  • runs to fetch a burp cloth after announcing that "Laney puked!"
  • teaches her how to do all the new things like saying words, drinking from a cup, and laying on her tummy
  • says "I love you Nay-Nee!" several times a day
Well, I guess my point is that he is my 2-year-old angel sometimes. He is my smart, funny little dude. But the impossible moments are so much more fun to write about! More of those next time.